Forced into an unexpected career transition (a layoff), it was imperative I muster the strength to find a new way of providing for my family. How can I maintain a positive outlook after being “let go” and forced to deal with the cruel reality of landing a new job, position and career? One morning, a single message awakened me and pounded in my head. “I must be STRONG for my family.” I quickly reached for my nightstand journal and wrote S-T-R-O-N-G:
S tand
T all
R emain
O ptimistic
N ow
G o for it
From that morning’s S-T-R-O-N-G message, a daily writing routine began. Each day delivered a new message and forced me to pause, think, and frame a positive expectation for the day. Each message guided my thoughts, intentions and actions as I sought the new opportunity that would offer even greater potential. I shared the messages daily with my family. Together we formed an unstoppable optimism to persevere. We learned to take any setback and make it our springboard lifting us above any potentially adverse situation.
Within 45 days, I landed a fantastic position with a great company. The messages continued to flow and motivate me to work hard to make good things happen in my new role. My writing emerged out of necessity, yet lasted four hundred consecutive days. They became a joyful routine of finding more inspiration and strength. Everything I learned in those days created something inspiring.
Take a moment and turn to any page. You will find the inspiration you need to hear and see things Above the Chatter. You will see how Our Words Matter.