Try Answering Your Own Questions



To be a learner, I was always told to ask questions. You know, the inquisitive ones which are not easily answered with a dismissive Yes or No!

Over the years, this has generally been good advice. I am comfortable asking Who? What? When? Why? and How? This skill has served me well.

In writing “Above the Chatter, Our Words Matter“, I discovered it can be more effective not to ask but to answer these questions myself in order to reach the outcomes I desire.

WHO? Yes, the who is me! If I expect to change my life for the better, I must count on mainly on myself.

WHAT? Asking myself what I need to do to get where I want is critical to creating the change I desire

WHERE? When I was writing the book I quickly discovered the where had to be within myself. I could not expect anyone or anything to do it for me or to tell me an easy way to go. Finding the drive inside is where we must go.

WHEN? NOW. If when is not now, it is key to understand and commit to the work it will take to get there. Then, I must develop the patience and focus to pay attention to the work and not the time.

WHY? If Iwant the answer and the change, I should really be asking, Why Not? This sets the tone for accepting the changes I need to make.

HOW? Asks the question that seeks the path to achieving the outcome. If I can commit to answering the first five questions for myself, HOW often comes to into clear focus.

Write these questions in your journal and challenge yourself to work until YOU find the answers?

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